17 jun 2012

(xxxiii) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2012-06-17 07:33:42 GMT

  1. Perl three dot operator ... examples - [17/3]
  2. Is `else` slower than `elsif`? - [7/2]
  3. It is correct to switch the default perl's IO to utf-8 while using Plack and Middlewares? - [6/1]
  4. Calculate Number of Consecutive Characters in a String using Perl - [5/2]
  5. Creating glibc 2.7 style Sha-512 crypt hashes in Perl - [5/2]
  6. How do I expand variables in Perl readpipe handlers? - [5/2]
  7. perl version specific syntax resource - [5/4]
  8. Searching words with ANY repeating characters - [5/4]
  9. Deparsing/Decomposing - step-by-step this obfuscated perl script - [5/2]
  10. How can I test error messages including $! without locale issues? - [5/2]

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